“I wish I had done it sooner…”

October 12, 2021

“I wish I had done it sooner….” – The most common line you will see in our patients’ testimonials.

We understand that surgery is a big decision and the process of decision-making involves many people – but the decision is yours to make. You might ask, “How am I supposed to do that then? Where do I even start?”

We suggest doing some research:
(1) First of all, don’t hesitate to ask your primary care physician about it.
(2) Look only at legitimate sources. Legitimate sources include Bariatric Surgery websites and medical websites. We would not recommend non-medical websites as these websites are not 100% guaranteed written by medical experts and could give you a scare with wrong information.
(3) Find people who have been on the same journey and ask away! We are sure they would be more than willing to help you out on your journey.
(4) Try attending support groups – many bariatric support groups are free! (We offer a free bariatric support group online!)
(5) Finally, look deep within you. What is your goal? Why do you want or need this? What does your body say? What does your heart say? What does your mind say?

“You have the power to create the world you want to see.” ~Gabby Bernstein

The Anchorage Bariatrics medical team is 100% committed to providing the most professional and top-of-the-line services to help you reach your health and weight loss goals. Toward this end, we consider each patient’s medical history, mental health history, and concerns with the utmost of care, thoroughness and compassion.

Part of preparing for bariatric surgery is assessing whether the procedure is the most appropriate avenue for each patient and, if so, whether the patient is prepared to undertake the journey.

A few of the steps along the journey may include:

  • Medical tests such as lab testing
  • Medical appointments that include discussions and physical exams
  • Attending bariatric support groups
  • Meeting with our dietician
  • Undergoing a psychological evaluation

Our licensed clinical psychologists are tasked with evaluating a patient’s psychological readiness and appropriateness to move forward with their chosen bariatric surgical procedure. These doctors are really on the patient’s side, meaning, we want to assist the patient toward their health and weight loss goals in the most safe, ethical and supportive manner.

Online Health Information: Is It Reliable?

Many older adults share a common concern: “How can I trust the health information I find on the Internet?”

There are thousands of medical websites. Some provide reliable health information. Some do not. Some of the medical news is current. Some of it is not. Choosing which websites to trust is an important step in gathering reliable health information.

More information here:

12 Ways to Calm Your Anxiety

1. Avoid caffeine
2. Avoid alcohol
3. Write it out
4. Use fragrance
5. Talk to someone who gets it
6. Find a mantra
7. Walk it off
8. Drink water
9. Have some alone time
10. Turn off your phone
11. Have a bath
12. Eat something
