Progress Report: Where am I now with my health resolution?

January 15, 2020

How are you 15 days into the year? We bet you’re doing fabulous! Remember that list we talked about in the last newsletter (the resolutions list)? How are you doing with yours?

Forgot about it after the shock of returning to your normal routine? It’s absolutely normal! What matters is that you put it in your heart to start and to continue working on it. Remember, a health goal is continuous work, it’s not like a race that has an end; it’s a way of life. So, don’t worry if you didn’t get to start your plan at the start of the year, because you have a whole new year ahead of you – what’s important is that you start!

Take small steps. It might take a while to see some changes if you take small steps, but you are making progress. If you don’t know where to start, we’re here to help! Contact us with your questions, we’re happy to help!

Best Workouts for Obese Adults

These programs are particularly well suited for larger people who exercise.

1) Walking
2) Aqua Jogging
3) Group Exercise Classes
4) Strength Training
5) Recumbent Bike, Cross Trainer, or Portable Peddler
6) Tai Chi/ Mind-Body Exercise


9 Ways to Mentally Prepare for Weight Loss

The battle for a slimmer you is often won or lost in your head. Before you start a diet, psych yourself up for a lifestyle change with these prep steps.

1. State Your Weight Loss Goals
2. Hire a Dietitian
3. Ink Your Weight Loss Meal Plan
4. Invest in a Personal Trainer
5. Prepare to Log Your Food and Fitness Activities
6. Set a Realistic Timetable for Weight Loss
7. Believe in Yourself
8. Pick Motivating Rewards
9. Create a Weight Loss Support Network

Read more:

“Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it. I do that every day. Asking for help isn’t a sign of weakness, it’s a sign of strength. It shows you have the courage to admit when you don’t know something, and to learn something new.” ~Barack Obama