Why mindful eating is essential for weight loss

June 19, 2018

According to studies, weight loss is generally 75% diet and 25% exercise.

While it is important to eat healthy and be mindful of the foods you eat, it is not always necessary to compute carbs and calorie intake down to minute detail. Some people get lost in these tiny details and it can cause stress. But, it is necessary to be smart (i.e. “mindful”) about what you eat.

So, how exactly would you do that? Start with the obvious: choose fruits, vegetables, lean meat and fish. Avoid processed foods (things that come in a box), soda, too much sugar, too much salt, and too much fat. How do you know what is “too much”? Look at the nutrition facts and if the % Daily Value column is 20% or more for fat, sodium, or sugar, it is probably too much. Also pay attention to the portion size on this label, as it might be smaller than you think.

Mindful eating is an effective way of dieting because it does not cause stress. It does not require you to get a calculator every time you try to eat something. It helps you learn the balance between too much and too little and causes you to become aware of what is bad and what is good for you. It’s a subtle approach as it forms good eating habits over time.

Mindful eating is not just “experiencing your food” but more importantly, it is the awareness of how what we take in affects our health, and that allows us to make better food choices.

4 Ways to Practice Mindful Eating (Without Taking Too Much Time)

  1. Concentrate on your food when eating. Stop multitasking! If you’re having a meal, devote your whole attention to that meal.
  2. Eat only when hungry. That plate might look really delicious, but if you’re not hungry, don’t eat it!
  3. Check out what you’re eating. Make sure what you eat is nutritious and filling. Stay away from processed food and junk food.
  4. Stop eating when you’re full. Listen to your body. Be mindful of what your body tells you.

Spinach – A Nutrient Factory

Adding leafy greens to your diet is essential for weight loss and overall health maintenance. Spinach is one mighty contender for leafy greens. It is packed with nutrients and is low-calorie. It contains vitamins and minerals, including folate, riboflavin, vitamin B6, magnesium, iron and calcium. Spinach can help improve blood glucose control in people with diabetes, it helps lower the risk of certain cancers, reduces blood pressure and lowers the risk of developing asthma.